Horoscope for the week of 17th February 2025 to 23rd February 2025
Main | Love | Family | Friendship | Career | Finances | More...
This week's scenario is highlighted by a sense of new beginnings & closure of old routines. You're really tired of listening to others complain that "life's not fair". No one ever said it was. Open their eyes to the reality that exists & how to make changes. Participate in encouraging others to make real positive changes in their lives. Don't back down on your principles, insist others do the same. Family affairs will work out if you apply the same concept. Express your reality & look through others eyes. You could ruin your chances by using your most effective ammunition too early in the week. Rude or impulsive behavior is not easily excused. An old wound may be slow to heal. Investigate all promising secondhand information for yourself. Enjoy simple pleasures and shallow conversations. You're secure enough that you don't need to prove anything. Ask for what you want, if it doesn't happen, shrug your shoulders and look elsewhere.
« | Ari | Tau | Gem | Can | Leo | Vir | Lib | Sco | Sag | Cap | Aqu | Pis